Top tips for hassle-free travel with children

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Do it all for them
Don’t let the kids pack their own things. There are very strict rules and regulations as to what can and can’t be taken onto a fight. The last thing anyone needs is to be stopped at the security check for something as silly as a sharp-looking toy.

Take your time
“Get to the airport early. Our research shows that Wednesdays are the most affordable day to fly and it’s also quieter than Mondays and weekends, so it might be easier to get the kids through the check-in process faster. Consider booking an afternoon flight to avoid waking up early and having to rush through. You can always try and sleep on the plane,” explains Andrew Shelton, Managing Director of Cheapflights.

Have your documentation ready
It is a good idea to nominate one person in the family to keep all the passports and travel documents. This will avoid misplacing something and hopefully speed up the process.
Brush up on the latest travel document regulations for children. For travel into and out of South Africa, parents need an unabridged birth certificate, valid passport, and in some cases, a Parental Consent Affidavit that is no more than six months old. Details can be found online at the Department of Home Affairs website.

Putting safety first
Safety is often something that is taken for granted, especially when traveling internationally. But things can go wrong quickly and parents should.
Keep their eyes glued on the children and do not ever lose contact with them and draft a small and simple ICE document and zip it into the child’s jacket pocket. In case of emergency, airport staff will be able to find and reunite families.

Reserving seats
On a tightly booked flight, families may need to sit apart. “Book the flights well in advance, and pay a fee to reserve a row of seats if necessary.” says Bloomfield.

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Kids Connection was successfully launched in March 2006 by Wendy Beaufort for distribution to parents and teachers in the local Port Elizabeth market. The comprehensive directory for young families from newborn to 12 years, was born because, Wendy, a mom of three, understood the importance of having detailed information related to children that is aimed at assisting young families spend less time PLANNING and more time PLAYING….READ MORE